"Of all the massages I have had in my life, in multiple countries, Kari Marble’s loving hands are hands down the best.”
— Shannon K
I have a beautiful office for massage and bodywork (and private yoga and meditation) on Union between Franklin and Gough. The space is quiet, serene, healing and spacious. I currently see clients there Mondays through Thursdays and Saturdays.
I have 25 years of continuous experience and over 1,000 hours of training in massage/bodywork therapies. I offer my skills to you in the context of deep listening, compassion, loving kindness, and hands that can work with great strength and gentleness to optimally support your healing and vitality.
To help you find more comfort and to shift stuck muscle patterns, I often recommend specific yoga poses, breath practices and use of massage balls for your self-care based on what I find during treatment.
I specialize in women's health. My bodywork expertise includes the following styles:
Deep Tissue
Neuromuscular Reprogramming (NMR)
Healing integrative bodywork blending massage, Reiki and CST. May also include gentle breathwork and stretching.
Energy work to prepare for and to integrate psychedelic experiences (Please note I do not promote or provide psychedelic therapy but understand the importance of integration).
Just as some yogis practice vinyasa flow exclusively for years before discovering the awesome benefits of therapeutic and restorative yoga and Yoga Nidra, I find many people only seek bodywork that pushes tissue around (yes, it is immensely satisfying) and may take years to choose to experience other bodywork therapies that are physically lighter in touch but equally or perhaps even more restorative and impactful on the mind, body and spirit, really all layers of our being.
CST is one of my favorite modalities, deeply peaceful, quieting, expansive, nourishing, and healing for many conditions. The receiver rests on the massage table fully clothed. The practitioner gently lays hands in particular positions on the head and body to support unwinding and release of tension that can impact the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This calming of the nervous system creates a sense of well being, ease and relaxation. It’s like a warm and cozy blanket, a cosmic womb experience. A session is one hour. Here is a good description of CST and its many benefits.
Reiki is universal life force energy. Reiki is a powerful, non-invasive technique for restoring and balancing the body's natural energy flow. It gently calms the mind and emotions, providing deep relaxation and a positive context for healing. Reiki has been shown to relieve pain, slow pulse and respiration rates, lower blood pressure, and boost the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. The practitioner of Reiki becomes a channel for this essential life-giving, all pervasive healing energy, and flows it to the receiver using gentle touch. Reiki sessions are typically one hour and the receiver is fully clothed. Reiki can also be integrated into a massage or Craniosacral Therapy treatment.
The “get in the mood and bring it on” labor stimulation massage session is 90 minutes and includes a full body prenatal massage along with a set of stimulating acupressure points accompanied by practice in pain management techniques. While I hold each acupressure point for the length of a labor contraction, I guide you inward with breath, visualization, and vocalization techniques to powerfully focus your mind and relax your body through strong sensation and to connect you with your inner guidance, trust and strength. It’s very much a mind, breath and body training for labor.
Rates & Policies
$210 for a 75 minute session
$255 for a 90 minute session
$275 for a 90 minute "get in the mood and bring it on" labor stimulation session including birth preparation guidance with breath, visualization and vocalization techniques to powerfully focus the mind and relax the body through contractions.
About tipping: I set my rates to cover my expenses, so I do not rely on or expect tips. If you find great value in my work, and feel inspired and able to tip, I graciously accept.
$170 for a 60 minute session
$210 for a 75 minute blend of Reiki or CST + head, neck and foot massage
$255 for a 90 minute blend of Reiki or CST + massage
The session length you choose is your actual table time. An additional 15 minutes is allotted for sharing your health update and requests, undressing/dressing, and payment.
Cancellation Policy: Please note 48 hour cancellation policy unless due to illness or Covid exposure.
Covid-19 Update: We cancel the session should either you or I have any exposure or symptoms of illness.
CAMTC Certification #43648